Phases of the Moon

I was like a kid today!  I had so much fun teaching...which I have been feeling a lot lately!  I have been inspired and my teaching rejuvenated and I'm excited about it :)  What a great feeling...

We have been learning about the Phases of the Moon over the last week.  The other day we made the phases of the moon with oreos...ummmm....YUMMY!  I'm addicted..I digress :)  

We were scientists, so we used our goggles, made the phases and then ate them up....I wish I could show you some pictures of my cute little kiddos in their goggles but I can't so you are stuck with me!

This Oreo Phases of the Moon Sheet was made by the very talented Hilary Lewis!  You can check out her TPT Shop Here!

Then today we made these... Moon Flip-Flap Books!!!! 
L-O-V-E them :)

We started with a Partner Reading of The Moon.  After they finished reading the text to each other, they told their partner their two favorite facts about the moon.  Then they began to create their flip-flap books.   Here are a few photos of our Work in Progress..

This is our new Moon bulletin board display...The best part of this whole day is my Assistant Principal walked in when we were doing this activity...BAM!  Unannounced Observation and ALL HIGHLY EFFECTIVE MARKS...Can I get a WOOOOHOOOO!!

This is a close-up of the bulletin board...

 Here is one of my student's Moon Flip-Flap Books completely done!  What a great job they did!

Then they saw my Space Flip-Flap Book on my desk and begged me to let them make it!  We are only really focused on the Moon...but how do you say no when they want to learn :)

Thanks again for stopping by :)


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