Hi Everyone...I wanted to share a project that I did with my second graders this year that they
They had so much fun making them and I had parents e-mail me telling me how much they loved it! Unfortunately, I did not do it on the First Day of School because I hadn't had the idea in my mind yet...BUT.....I did have it ready for the last day of school. This upcoming year...I am ready though..now my students will have the First Day of Second Grade and the Last Day of Second Grade Writing Keepsake Flip-Flap Book :)
Here are some pictures of my little ones completing the project...
On each page of the Flip-Flap Book they do a writing activity. They will write about a favorite activity, their friends, feelings, and what they will miss the most about Second Grade. The last page also has a vertical photograph of each child on the last day of school. I am excited for this year so the parents can SEE the actual growth in their writing...and how much they have grown physically too :)
Here is what the book looks like on the inside....
The Last Day of Second Grade has different writing prompts on the inside.
So...that's a fun little ditty that we did at the end of the school year :)
If you're interested in using this in your classroom, you can pick it up in my TPT Store!
Click the images below for your grade level!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!!
I am linking up with Christina over at Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge for this Fun Diggin' It Linky!
Check it out...