Hi Friends... I just wanted to show you my newest Flip Flap Book which is Short, Sweet, and to the Point! This fun little flip-flap book will be a great Back to School activity on that first day back from holiday break. You'll get their little minds in gear and get them writing at the same time!
Here it is....
Doesn't it look FUN!!!!!
Here is a preview of what it will look like...
Ready for the BEST PART!!!!!!!!
I will update this file
with the New Year so that you don't have to purchase it again!!!!
And....It's ONLY $3.00 for an updated file EVERY YEAR!
Woooohoooo! I hope you have some time to check it out!
And..You will ONLY need 8 1/2 x 11 paper!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by today!