Hi Friends... I hope this blog post finds you well. I wanted to share a few activities that I do with my kiddos during the last few weeks of school. I don't finish my year until the last week of June, but I know that many schools end in May so I thought I would share my end of the year activities a bit earlier this year :)
I always have done some type of scrapbook with my students every year, so last year I decided to make something new and a bit different.
This is what the cover will look like...But I am going to add a picture of myself with my little ones on the cover for a keepsake :)
This is what the lapbook will look like when it's opened. I printed my flip-flap books in color but I have black and white versions for my little ones to color. Each flip-flap book has lines inside of them where the students will write. I am just totally lovin' this one :) And I think my kiddos are going to love it too!

If you want to take a look at this unit, check it out in my TPT Store when you get a chance :) Just click the image below to get there!
I wanted to do some type of project that my students could do on the First Day of School and then again on the Last Day of School to show their growth in their writing and how they have "literally" grown by adding a picture of them to the project..so.....
From Beginning to End
was born :)
And for those of you who know me by now...it has to contain some type of Flip-Flap Book...LOL
During the last week of school, my little ones do the last part of my From Beginning to End unit. The first day of school we work on The First Day of SECOND Grade flip flap book. It is a great activity to see what skills they have and what they need to work on as well. Then at the end of the year, they complete the last part of this activity where they do The Last Day of SECOND Grade flip flap book. It is INCREDIBLE to see their growth within their writing skills! The parents absolutely LOVED it last year!

This is what the Flip-Flap Book looks like when each page is opened!
The Flip-Flap Book for the End of the Year has different sentences in the booklet that has the students writing about memories and things they have learned...and of course, a picture on the last page of the book to show how they have grown through the year.
This is the example of the Third Grade project!
So...If you haven't planned your End of the Year Activity yet, I hope you give this unit a try!
Here are some pictures of my little ones completing the project...
So...that's a fun little ditty that we did at the end of the school year :)
If you're interested in using this in your classroom, you can pick it up in my TPT Store!
Click the images below for your grade level!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!!
Labels: End of the Year activities, first grade, Flip Flap Books, flip-flap books, fourth grade, lapbooks, second grade, third grade