Peek at my Week :)

Hi Friends... This is a FIRST for me :)  I have never done a Peek at my Week blog bare with me :)  I am not going to create visual plans, but I will show you what my "plans" are for the week :)  I'm just amazed at my blogging friends that put together those AWESOME weekly plans with clickable links... I really wanna be just like them :)  

So this week I have a TON to get accomplished....

For ELA will be reading the story Pearl and Wagner: Two Good Friends and we will be working on Author's Purpose and Questioning as our comprehension skills and strategies!  We will work on my Author's Purpose Mini Flip Flaps for our Guided Reading Lapbook...

We will also complete my Questioning Tab-Its book for our Interactive Notebooks.  

Next up.... Verbs!  We worked on verbs just a little bit when we talked about Nouns, but this week we will get into the nitty gritty of verbs using my Parts of Speech Flip Flap Book.... I will begin this unit by reading the book To Root, to Toot, to Parachute and we will brainstorm a huge list of Verbs for our anchor chart.

Then my students will work on my Verbs Flip Flap book...

Onto Math... We are beginning our unit on Measurement.  One of my favorite units to teach.  I always begin this unit by reading the story called Measuring Penny by Loreen Leedy.  Then we measure around our classroom using a "Penny Ruler" kiddos LOVE this activity every year!  Here are few images from last year....
(Click the image above to check it out on Amazon.)

Measuring the file cabinet with their Penny Ruler.
Measuring the window with their Penny Ruler

Measuring their leg with their Penny Ruler

Measuring the carpet with their Penny Ruler

Measuring the bookshelf with their Penny Ruler

Measuring the table with their Penny Ruler

Measuring their desk with their Penny Ruler

Working together to measure the rug.
Here is the mini-book they used to record their Non-Standard classroom measurements!

After we complete a week or so on learning how to measure using standard forms of measurement, they will compete my Measurement Exit Book for their Interactive Notebooks....

In Social Studies this week we are focusing on Landforms and Bodies of Water.  We completed a riddle and picture match in class after we watched a video on Landforms and I read them one of our big books.  Then we started to create Landform posters...

As an authentic assessment for this unit of study, my students will complete my Landforms and Bodies of Water flip flap books using the knowledge they gained from the unit....

They look AWESOME on my bulletin board when they are completed.

In my Work on Writing Center, I put a new "HAVE TO" writing piece in there each week.  Every week when they go to Work on Writing, they complete one "Have to" writing activity and then they may choose another "Can Do" writing activity.  Each week my Have To writing activity changes.   Last week, they wrote about their resolutions and things they will do differently in the new year using my 2015 Shape-Its Writing Booklets for their Writing Notebooks.

This week they will be reading about Martin Luther King, Jr. and writing about their "dreams" and what they can do to make the world a better place...

So...That's my week all wrapped up into one pretty picture...with A LOT to accomplish :)  It's going to be a FUN, but busy week :)

I am excited to be linking up for the FIRST TIME EVER with Deedee over at Mrs. Will's Kindergarten... Check out the linky going on....

Thanks for stopping by today :)  
